traditional/holistic veterinarian
traditional/holistic veterinarian
From Wikipedia: What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, based on
his doctrine of like cures like, according to which a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people will cure similar
symptoms in sick people.
With homeopathic remedies dilution usually continues well past the point where no molecules of the original substance remain.[Homeopaths select remedies by consulting reference books known as repertories, and by considering the totality of the patient's symptoms, personal traits, physical and psychological
state, and life history.
Homotoxicology is similar to homeopathy except that some substance of the patients cells, usually a few drops of blood, are added to the remedy and mixed thoroughly with it. This is supposed to give a more personal signature to the remedy so that it works better for the patient.
Homeopathic and homotoxocologic remedies are usually placed on the mucous membranes somewhere, under the tongue is best, but can be put in food or water too. Usually don’t work as well that way but with animals, sometimes
you have to make adjustments.
Over the years I have become very impressed with how well these techniques work for some patients. It is thought that somehow there is a “reset” button on health, much like a computer restart or reset button and these remedies signal something to the DNA of the individual being treated, saying something like “go back to the healthy state before you were sick.”
They are gentle persuasions to the body reminding it to go back to health. Very effective for some! I use mainly the Heel remedies for homeopathic and homotoxicologic treatment. They are very pure and strong and made from natural substances. When going through the list of the Heel remedies we often find problems that were hidden, masked or underlying the main problem so it gives more insight into
what is wrong or unbalanced.
The ones I use are unique, strong and made from natural substances. They were developed for humans however, I am one of the few veterinarians in the United States who is allowed to purchase them. I have found them to be extremely effective especially for horses and cats. The energy system of dogs seems to be denser and it takes the homeopathics longer to work on them.
ALL PAWS, LEBANON, KY: 445 W, Walnut St. ~ AVATAR, LOUISVILLE, KY: Room 189, Bldg.B.,Mellwood Art & Entertainment Cntr. (502) 939-9062 WWt/